Sunday, May 26, 2013

Media Blog #9: We Like Short Shorts.

Okayokayokay. I don't like this form of advertising and I'm going to tell you why.

Yes it's pretty unique, or at least I've never seen anything like it. But it's literally using people as advertisements. Companies do stuff like this all the time, from putting their logo on your cup, to simply selling status on a shirt, but this time SCIENCE HAS GONE TOO FAR. literally using skin as a way to advertise. I get bothered with companies putting their logos on cups, because I walk around sipping a delicious smoothie feeling like I just paid somebody to advertise for them.

Alright so those are my personal problems with this, but there are some other flaws in it as well.

1) What if it's really hot? I'm about 85% sure that those bars with words on them are made out of metal, when you sit down on them it would burn your legs. Ouch. No.
2) Your legs would have to be angled perfectly in order to get all of the words on them, and it's possible to get more than one if you sit in the wrong area. Would you like it if your thighs said "SHO SHO ON SUP" or "ORT ORTS SALE ERETTE". No.

It's very apparent that the target market is women 18-25, based on the models used. But how are the girls supposed to see them if it's on the back of their legs?

It seems like it would be more aimed then towards young men, but they don't need short shorts.
It could also work for elderly women who sit on park benches feeding birds, but that is just another demographic that I do not want to see in short shorts.

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