Earlier this week in Critical Thinking, we watched a documentary called Miss Representation. The movie deals with the misrepresentation of women in media, and the expectations placed on them by society as a result of these misrepresentations.
Personally, I have to say that the movie hit me pretty hard. It really opened my eyes to the point where every time I watch TV I become very discontent with the portrayal of women on TV. I don't think it would have hit me as hard if I hadn't started to become recently aware of the harm that it causes the women around me; women who can't find value in themselves because they are not "perfect".
The ads above relate to this topic because Dove is very famous for its campaigns towards healthy body image, and self-confidence in young girls. The documentary focused on how girls worry more about their looks than their accomplishments, and Dove really emulates that in their ads. I really appreciate how Dove uses their voice in media to take a stand against the injustice that is done to so many girls and women everyday. It's exactly what the documentary offered up as a solution to the misrepresentation of women in media: women have to stand up for other women. Women have to tell their stories, so that young girls, and people in general will see that there's a lot of work to be done when it comes to cleaning up the misrepresentation of women in media.
I agree with your argument you make in your analysis. Having watched the movie as well, I have to agree that it hit me pretty hard too. Just knowing that some people, as well as myself, are a product of that kind of media, it really surprised me. I am really happy that a company is finally realizing that it is important to treat women with respect, and realize that they are not just a body. They are an intelligent mind, with a soul. I like what you had to say in your analysis. It was really well done!