Sunday, May 26, 2013

Media Blog #8: So long Siri!

I recently saw this ad on TV, and I thought it made some interesting points.

First off, it's Microsoft parodying their rival, Apple. I think it shows how Apple commercials have become so commonplace in our society that they can be parodied easily to sell a different product. This ad uses wit and humor (because it is a parody after all), as well as simple solutions because it demonstrates the Windows 8 tablet as being able to do more than the iPad with ease.

Personally  I think the best part is the ending where Siri suggests to the hand model that he play chopsticks poorly.

Microsoft also gets revenge for the whole "I'm a Mac" and "I'm a PC" thing that Apple used to do in comparison of both products. Although I might personally prefer those to this one because they had more sass.

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